Sunday, January 4, 2009

1/4/09 Part 1

Today has been a good day. I got to sleep late SCORE! Of course I didn't get all the sleep I needed last night even with the extra hour because someone decided that 12:00 was a great time to wake up and stay up for a half hour. I took her knowing that Dennis would let me sleep in this morning and so I let him get his rest then.

Breakfast was scrambled egg whites w/ bacon and Dennis couldn't find the english muffins so we had a piece of toast. It was excellent. I love his mom's peach preserves. YUM!

Snack was 3 town house topper crackers and 2 pieces of string cheese. We were on the road out exploring and needed something that would go with us. Why were we exploring? Well because we were trying to figure out if a local community supported agriculture place was an ok distance for us to pick up from every week. The answer is yes it is so our name is on the waiting list. I hope hope hope we get in this year. Our last two years with a different csa had been ok but they are no longer in business apparently and I want fresh veggies. We even told them that we would help out on the farm for a few hours during the summer. We really want Roo to learn all about how things grow and get to our table.

Lunch was a buffalo chicken sandwich. We used the precooked patties from Schwans which reminds me I need to order more. And then mixed some light sour cream with guess what oh yeah Frank's buffalo sauce. I am seriously addicted to that stuff. We put it on a gluten free bun, with tomato, and spinach, and a touch of cheddar cheese. It was served with carrots and some extra buffalo dip. It was DELISH! Roo definitely loves spicy food as she was really into dipping everything in her dip sauce.

Our afternoon snack was chocolate pudding and a graham cracker. Always a treat there.

Workout wise I haven't done anything yet today I really haven't felt good and my head has a slight ache to it at the moment. We have to do shred tonight and I really want to get 30 minutes in on the elliptical as well as upper body weights but we'll see what really happens.

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