Monday, January 26, 2009

1/26/09 All Day

Today is the first day in several days that I feel human again. I did not have energy at the end of the day to work out but I survived the day and really do feel better. SCORE!

B: I was feeling off kilter this morning and somehow ended up not eating before we hit the door running to get Roo to the doctor. I still don't know how that happened and I was looking forward to the apple cinnamon oatmeal. I am going to have to put it on the menu again.
S: We were in the car which means that I had rice cakes at hand for Roo so that's what I had as well.
L: chicken cheesesteak wrap. This was delicious! Absolutely positivitely DELISH!!
S: Texas Caviar and 1 serving of chips. Funny story I was working and eating and I looked to the side and my chips were disappearing one at a time I was like ummmmm and peeked over the side of the couch and encountered the cutest giggling little girl ever. It was totally cute! At least I knew how many chips I had eaten already and how many had disappeared.
D: 4 oz of breaded flounder w/ spinach and feta brown rice. This was sooooooooooooooo good! I enjoyed every single morsel!
S: cappucino shake it was as always good but man oh man it was cold.

Workouts I didn't get one tomorrow I am doing the shred one way or another. I need to try it at least I have to get back on the wagon and I really think that tomorrow I will be able to take a deep enough breath for it.

I've already posted about my loss this week but I wanted to stop and reflect for a few minutes what it means to me. In December I went to the doctor and had tests run because I was not losing weight I was maintaining very well and I needed to lose the weight I did not want to maintain. I have at least 35 pounds I want gone, that I need gone for my health. This month I have lost 4 pounds. 4 fabulous pounds are gone and I am going to continue to work to keep them gone. Since I have changed my attitude about how this is going to come off I have really seen a huge difference. The focus and the desire is there. I am getting more healthy (yeah ok so I'm sick right now but still) I am going to reach my goal and I am going to stay there.

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