Sunday, January 11, 2009

1/11/09 All Day

I woke up this morning to the cutest sound on the monitor. It was that of a little girl going Hi dada hi. Dada went up to get said little girl and when they came down we snuggled for a little bit in bed watching some dvr'd tigger and pooh. Loved it!

Breakfast was the wild west fritata and it was really good. I wouldn't make any changes for next time. Roo did not really care for it because her first bite was warm in her mouth and that ruined it all.

Snack was a strawberry shake and 60 calories worth of rice cakes. We were out shopping and got the rice cakes for later in the week but since we couldn't make the shake at that point we had 1 serving of those to offset the need for food. Then when we got home we had a half serving of the shake which was delish!

We switched lunch and dinner since we had been out shopping and the ziti was ready whereas the pizza had to be made. Roo was hungry we went with simple. We did actually have the shake with our lunch but it was soooooooooooo good.

The afternoon snack of the hula pizza was good. However next time we will do things differently. The tortilla which was the crust was still to soft for my liking with a pizza so I need to cook the tortilla next time before we dress it.

The bbq chicken pizza was delish! We had it with some broccoli slaw. I seriously watched a little girl inhale the broccoli it was hilarious. She loved the zuchinni on the pizza as well. This pizza was done on a wrap and we did cook it before we dressed it and it really worked out well.

Evening snack was the cappucino shake. Yes it is a favorite.

Workouts rocked today! It was beautiful outside and so we took a 2 mile walk. Ohhhhh it felt good. Dennis and I split the time carrying a little Roo when she did not want to walk herself but we really booked it. It was awesome! Then we had time to play on the playground for a bit and that was so much fun.

Then of course there was the shred. Today was day 15 we have been through the entire video 5 times. We rock!

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