Saturday, March 7, 2009

3/7/09 All Day

Well it was Saturday which usually translates to our free day of the week. Was it or was it not hmmmm well in some ways it was in that we didn't have 6 small set meals. I woke up in just enough time to get a bath and get dressed to head out the door to little gym where we played and played and played for 45 minutes. 45 minutes of chasing a little girl around and demonstrating to her how to do things. Roo rocked today! She played parachute and she did the balance beam and she ran and ran and popped bubbles, picked up balls, ran ran ran, climbed up mats and down mats and ran and did tumbles and ran and sqealed and shrieked and giggled and laughed and had FUN! It was sooooooooo much fun for us all!! Everyone had an absolute blast. In the car I had 5 mini rice cakes because well they were there and Roo ate the rest LOL! We stopped at Market Street on the way home and did some grocery shopping. We got home and had a sample of the cheese we got and 1 tbs of 3 dips w/ a sesame cracker and some baked chips. Then for lunch we had picked up a bake at home pizza that they made and I ate 1 slice and then watched Roo eat. We did something different for lunch today in that we sat down at her table and we all ate almost on our knees. Roo thought that was the absolute best thing in the world. LOL! I had 6 animal crackers for afternoon snack. Then for dinner I had 1/2 of a filet, and 1/2 of a baked potato w/ light cheese, light sour cream, i can't believe it's not butter, chives, and some bacon pieces as well as some salad. It was a delicious dinner and in the end I didn't eat all that I had fixed for me which was just fine I was content and not stuffed. We got out for a 35 minute walk/run it was great!! I am so proud of what I accomplished with that in that I didn't want to do it and man it hurt when I did but I powered through and I made it! I am really excited that I am still working towards my goal. I am going to get there and I am THRILLED about it!! Evening snack was 1/8 of a slice of peach and blueberry pie. It was soooooooo good.

So I am going to declare this a free day because we didn't do 6 meals but calorie wise we were under where we normally would have been. It was a great day and I am so happy with what we have accomplished.

This is my year!

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