Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3/10/09 All Day

Well first things first if you don't want to know what happened on the biggest loser look away now LOL!
Ok if you haven't looked away I warned you! It started off with a recap of last week and had Mike on the scale for the ooooo to be continued part. I hate that I'm sorry but seriously the attempt to keep us on our edge of the seat is bogus. Anyway feelings aside Mike had to lose 10 pounds or more and nobody would get sent home. If he didn't lose 10 lbs then one person from each team went home. He lost 11 WTG MIKE!!!! Then there were competetions people on opposite teams were paired off to compete, another competition black won again and got 24 hours of luxury where they went to an awesome looking hotel and lived the high life and ate and drank the high calories. I dunno how I feel right now I am still processing this. Everyone knows what you have to do in order to lose weight and they blew it out of the water blew it. Oy! At least everyone regretted it and I hope for them that it was one of those things that they will remember how they felt at the end of the day if they want to do it again. The guilt each expressed is something I have gone through myself. The feelings suck and knowing what has to happen and knowing where you fell of the wagon it's tough! So Black team I am still cheering for yall even though I want to ask each of you what were you thinking? And holy cow I want a drink I need to get that figured into my menu somewhere. Then the cousins had a big blow up at Jillian and walked off her team (I hope just for this week) Well somehow even through the splurge beyond splurges the black team won. Mandi gained and I am so sorry to see that she had worked so hard. The team talked and they agreed that it was Mandi's turn to go and she did. Her after video looks great and I can't wait to see if she makes her goal of being a size 2 by the finals. This season is so much different than last I love everyone right now unlike last season where I was throwing things at the tv going WHY are they still here LOL!

So that's my recap and yes I left a lot out but what I wrote about is where I felt inspired but I'll get to that later.

Waking up was hard to do and I honestly did not want to. I had to though as a day in the office was calling to me or rather the paycheck was calling to me. The temp here was going to be a lovely 80ish so I went on a search for capris to wear. That shouldn't have been hard I had bought a bunch of size 18's last year and some were still tight at the end of the season. I pulled them out put them on and couldn't figure out if I should scream with joy or aggravation. They seriously fell off as in they did not fit at all. They were huge on me. WAHOOOOO I decided to scream for joy but I had to go back to the closet on a hunt to see if I could find any from pre Roo days and I did. Size 14's that I had not worn in 3 years fit and they looked AWESOME! OMG I did it!! I am FINALLY back in pre pregnancy clothes. WAHOOOOOOOOO!!! So the day got instantly better and I skipped to the kitchen to make snacks and lunches and then I skipped out the door. I was wearing pre pregnancy clothes today WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I made it to work and enjoyed my serving of apple cinnamon cheerios eating them dry because milk doesn't really travel and dry is fine with me. I got to work and had my apple and 2 laughing cows around 10. At 11:30 I had my roast beef sandwich which was delicious.

Then the day went wonky. I needed to run to Michael's to get stuff to make a floral head wreath for Roo for some pictures so I knew I would be leaving later than I normally do since I took lunch. At 2:30 D sent me an IM that the daycare had just called him and Roo was sick and needed to be picked up. They said she had pink eye and was fussy. She had been totally perfect this morning so I ran out the door and made it to her daycare in record time. When I got there her eye was nearly swollen shut and she was in tears and hysterics. It is so hard to see your baby girl like that. :(... We headed home, called the doc, got drops called in, made it home, cuddled, bounced, cuddled, walked the floor, played up, down, up, down, watched her cry, wanted to cry myself, cuddled some more, watched her stumble around the room because her vision was off, held her, sang songs, talked, tried to comfort, wanted to cry because she was clearly miserable.

D made it home with dinner which was brisket, potato salad, and beans. I had a lot of beans not so much of the other. Dinner was tough because Roo was playing her up down back and forth hysterical crying, eating off each of our plates, cuddled, held cuddled and just tried to comfort.

When we decided that we'd had enough of that torture Roo told us she wanted to go on a walk and tried to climb in her stroller. I was all for it because today was my running day so we turned on the garmin and headed out for Week 2 of C25K. Roo lasted to the end of our block and it was over for her. D took her back home and I grabbed the garmin and hit the road. I am proud to say that I did it! I actually did it wrong and ran more than I was scheduled to and I won't be doing it wrong again but I did it!! I DID IT!!!!!! When I finished and hit my cool down walk I was trying to figure out if I was going to make it home because my legs were killing, each step hurt, and I questioned whether or not my knees were going to hold me up. I am going to keep doing this I am not going to give up!

I got home and D had already gotten R to sleep for stage 1 of the night we anticipate a lot more wake ups because she's already been up once as I am writing this. Poor girl. Anway after she was in bed I got on the elliptical and I did a 20 minute program again. It was the same one I did last night and I am so proud to say that I improved my calorie count from last night. I worked it hard! So today I worked out for 50 minutes of cardio. I did it!! I am going to lose this weight once and for all!!

It was then time for my evening snack and I had 2 waffles w/ 1 tbs of pb. :)

Till tomorrow yall fingers crossed we get sleep tonight and Roo is doing good tomorrow.

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