Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2/18/09 All Day

I don't know what the deal is but it was so incredibly hard to get up this morning. And I am about to go crash early. I think Roo has what I had and that worries me quite a bit but we are keeping a very close eye on her right now.

Like I said waking up was tough so as I stumbled up the stairs to wake up a baby Roo D got to work on our meals. He was awesome and packed my apple turnover sundae (apple, yogurt, grapenuts, and raisins) in a to go container so that I could eat it at work. He's so good he knows that's what I would have done. Usually I have to transfer stuff over but he got it first shot WAHOO!! The sundae was DELISH!

Snack was a childhood favorite of peanut butter and celery sticks. It did the job.

I was so into what I was trying to do at work that I lost track of time and all to soon it was time for the chicken cheesesteak wrap which was as usual DELISH!!!! There's something about chicken, peppers, onion, laughing cow, tortilla, and ketchup that just hits the spot.

Snack was an open turkey sandwich since we had forgotten to buy wasa crackers this week OOPS!

Dinner was chicken topped with teh texas caviar and a side of rice a roni. It was really good!

I didn't workout tonight. My head is pounding and my eyes just want to close so I am signing off and heading to zzzzzzzzzzzzz land. See yall on the flip side.

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