Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5/19/09 All Day

I am having a really hard time right now and am really upset about something that happened at Roo's daycare she got bit again and I am just torn up about it. :( This is the third or fourth time in three weeks.

I had life cereal and a banana for breakfast. Snack was string cheese. Lunch was a sandwich w/ a serving of carrots and my afternoon snack was a sliver off a piece of pizza. Dinner was a black bean tamale, a pork tamale, some rice a roni and guacamole. Evening snack was skipped because my stomach hurts right now.

Workouts I walked at lunch and I did the family walk tonight. We've spent the evening talking about what we want to do with daycare and how we are feeling about it so p90x was put to the side. I wish parenting were easier sometimes I really do.

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