Monday, April 6, 2009

4/6/09 All Day

Ok well I already posted my big news about a big loss! I am determined to say the same thing next week even though I totally was not expecting a loss this week at all! It really makes me happy to see one and know that the work I am putting out is working.

Today was a work at home day and Roo was so cute as soon as we waved bye bye to Daddy she looked at me and said Mommy March March and ran to the tv and started beating on it. I was like ok gotcha let's march march so I put WATP power mile on and she held my hand and we got to marching and stepping and everything else they make us do. Part of it was with a 27+lb weight in my arms but it was fun and worth it. Then she wanted a bar for breakfast so she got an apple nutrigrain bar and I had a banana and half a serving of frosted mini wheats. It did the job. Snack was crackers w/ pimento cheese. I found some smoked gouda pimento cheese at Market Street on Saturday and seriously it is beyond good that I have to limit how much I can have. I shouldn't say that because yeah I have to limit it but I mean I really have to watch this one so having it spread thin on a cracker is a great treat.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich w/ laughing cow, whole wheat bread, spinach, and 1 serving of chips. After Roo went down for a nap I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred level 1. OUCH! It's been awhile and I really can tell that I am in a lot better shape than I was when I started doing it in January but she does make a person work. Afternoon snack was a bite and I do mean a bite of chocolate mint cake. It had gone bad so after that one bite I didn't want to try anything else. Dinner was a beef fajita salad and it was DELISH! Before dinner I did the walk away pounds walk and jog video. After dinner I did the walk away the pounds power mile again (can you tell I was trying to get my calorie cound and moderate workout count up?) Then D and I both did the Power 90 cardio phase 1-2 and ab ripper. OUCH!

My body is tired very tired but this is what it has to go through to lose the pounds and the inches. I love feeling this way is that sick? I don't know it's the good physical you worked hard and you accomplished this much stuff feeling.

I am proud to say I made all my goals today. My hardest was actually the moderate exercise because the shred and the walk and jog kicked me up to vigorous levels so I really had to push it to get the 1.5 hour of moderate. I did it and I am thrilled! Calories burned are over 2500 and intake was like 1504.

I still love the go wear fit it is making me push harder and it is giving me the kick I needed.

Oh yeah I guess this is big news too but one pair of jeans I bought 4 days or so before I found out I was pregnant (which was why my old jeans didn't fit and I had to buy a bigger size LOL) fit now and are fairly comfortable. I am not sure I would trust wearing them in public yet but I am on the way there.

Power 90 review I am on day 4 and it is still making me work which I like.

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