Wednesday, June 3, 2009

6/3/09 All Day

This week has BLOWN for workouts. I didn't get my lunch walk because it was raining and when I tried to walk the building I was getting run over by others trying to do the same thing. Tonight I just couldn't make my body run even though we did do some extra distance walking wise while Roo would allow it. Then p90x yeah well ummmmmm I fell asleep in the lazy boy while holding a sleeping Roo so that didn't happen either. The nap was worth it though and showed me how tired I really was I need sleep tonight REALLY need sleep since that hasn't happened that much either. I was only at 59% the night before. So based on my non scientific study you must have plenty of sleep in order to be able to push yourself. I do have to say though that my nap tonight with Roo was some of the best rest I have had this week.

So I will be reaching none of my goals today and I am going to have to be ok with that.

B: life cereal and a banana
S: protein bar
L: baked potato w/ very little anything on it but salsa and that was good
S: fresh pineapple, grapes, and strawberries
D: chicken, black eyed peas, and squash
S: small piece of cake

Workouts: family walk

And HA I just uploaded my data from today and I got 84% sleep efficiency but looking at the chart it really looks like I was up more than I was down. *sigh* I'm going to bed early nite!

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